Blueberry Promotions

The ABGA has been investing in marketing activities designed to grow the demand for fresh Australian blueberries for many years.

Based on the latest available data, approximately 59% of all Australian households purchased at least one punnet of blueberries in the last 12 months.  On average, a blueberry buyer is adding blueberries to their trolley 8 times per year and spending about $4.60 each time they buy bluberries.

What this means for blueberries is that there are 41% of all Australian households who are currently not buying blueberries at all – ever – in a year.  And it is this group in particular that our marketing activities are seeking to reach.

The marketing objectives are:

GROWING AWARENESS: Mass reach keeping blueberries top of mind during the peak season when there are lots of other fruit alternatives available

GROWING CONSIDERATION: Communicating the benefits and reinforcing that blueberries are so much more than just another fruit option – they are the SUPER fruit option

GROWING ACTION: Driving purchase consideration and action through tactically placed activities in key regions of Australia

GROWING LOYALTY & ADVOCACY: Driving consumption and perceived value up by increasing consumer facing activity like sampling activities

Australian Blueberries Digital Marketing Channels

We use an integrated approach combining social media, our website, influencer marketing and public relations strategies. Digital content is focused on four messaging pillars of Taste & Versatility, Convenience, Provenance and Benefits.

Taste & Versatility’ focuses on showcasing fresh blueberries as a shopping basket staple and the multiple ways to enjoy them with a focus on the simple & everyday usage rather than fancy cooking. An additional focus is given to a FYO (Freeze Your Own) messaging platform during the full peak of supply. ‘Convenience’ encourages consumers to store a punnet in the fridge at home, at work and providing them with on-the-go solutions. ‘Provenance’ brings the growers to the fore and educates consumers on locality, cost and taste diversity and varieties. Finally, ‘Benefits’ continues to reach more consumers with the health, wellness and beauty benefits of fresh Blueberries.