About Raspberries & Blackberries Australia
Growers and marketers of raspberries and blackberries (known as Rubus) are represented by the organisation now known as Raspberries and Blackberries Australia Inc. (RABA).
Previously known as the Australian Rubus Growers Association, it was established in Australia as a Victorian state industry Association in 1983, going national in 1987 in recognition that its membership was increasingly drawn from all parts of Australia. Some growers also produce currants and gooseberries of the related group known as Ribes.
Raspberries & Blackberries Australia was incorporated in 1999 as a not-for-profit association to work on behalf of growers in the industry. The industry introduced a compulsory levy in 2006 and this has help to fund the research and development activities needed to help the industry to grow significantly.
Starting from a small base, there are now over 100 growers across Rubus in nearly all states and territories, with Raspberries being one of the fastest growing fresh fruits in recent years.
In 2019, RABA joined forces with other berry industry associations to form Berries Australia Limited.
The Rules of the Association
Raspberries and Blackberries Australia Inc (RABA) is Incorporated in Victoria under Registered No. A0015035W. These Rules of Association are to be read in conjunction with the new Model Rules as outlined in the Victorian Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012. For any items in the new Model Rules not covered by the Constitution/Rules of Raspberries and Blackberries Australia Inc, the clauses or procedures set out in the Model Rules will automatically apply. The grievance procedure set out in the Model Rules will automatically apply.
All membership of the Association and the operation of the Association is governed by the rules of Incorporation.
Membership runs from July 1st to June 30th each year, irrespective of the date joined. Membership lapses if renewal is not paid within 45 days of the start of the fiscal year.
Grower Membership with voting rights is open to any commercial Rubus growing organisations. All other entities must apply for Associate Membership.
Management Committee
- Richard McGruddy, Queensland Berries
- Roberto Barajas, Driscolls
- Gavin Scurr, Pinata Farms
- Kate Sutherland, Burlington Berries
- Christy Poynton, Perfection Fresh
- Robert King, Costa Group
- Laurie Adams, Burlington Berries
- Andrew Terry, Tasmanian Berries
Financial Management of RABA
Under the terms of the constitution and the laws governing not-for-profit organisations, RABA is required to provide signed and audited financial statements to its members.
Members can contact the Membership Officer to view the latest documents.
Latest RABA AGM Minutes
Each year, the Association holds an Annual General Meeting for all eligible members to attend.
Members can contact the Membership Officer to view the latest documents.