• Developing IPM-compatible controls for spotted winged drosophila
  • Exploring IPM-compatible methods for spotted winged drosophila in berry crops
  • MT18010
  • MT18010
  • IPM Technologies
  • cesar
  • Paul Horne
  • Jessica Lye


Though not currently in Australia, spotted wing drosophila poses a biosecurity risk for several of the nation’s horticulture industries, including berries. Control measures overseas include regular use of insecticides that aren’t IPM compatible. With IPM well-adopted in Australian berry crop production, the use of such insecticides here could lead to severe flares of other issues, such as western flower thrips and two-spotted mite.

With this in mind, this project is preparing and testing IPM-compatible control measures against spotted wing drosophila overseas, so that sustainable long-term management in Australia will be possible should the pest arrive on our shores.

There is also a sister project to this investment, Exploring IPM-compatible methods for spotted winged drosophila in berry crops (MT18010), which is being delivered by cesar. This component of the work involves desktop research that will put an Australian focus on existing spotted wing drosophila research; review of trial site results; and work to extend research findings.

Communicating information on spotted wing drosophila and likely control measures (IPM-safe and otherwise) to berry growers and advisors will be key to the program.

Overall, the work is related to the major spotted wing drosophila initiative facilitated through Improving the biosecurity preparedness of Australian horticulture for the exotic spotted wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) (MT17005).


Image Credit – Luc Bessin, UK

A spotted wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) on blackberries.

Image Credit – Dr Elia Pirtle, cesar

Male and Female SWD

Image credit – Hannah Burrack, North Carolina State University,

 SWD on raspberry


These sister projects are developing, evaluating and extending control measures against spotted wing drosophila that are compatible with integrated pest management (IPM) approaches used in Australian berry crops.

Updates about these projects are available here:

OCT 2018: Improving our preparedness for spotted wing drosophila

SEP 2019 : Spotted wing drosophila: where will this world citizen make its next travel destination?

DEC 2019: Spotted wing Drosophila: the overseas experience & tips to stay a step ahead