Queensland berry producers learn from desert experts

RB21002 – Alternative growing media for hydroponic Rubus production

UV-Transmitting plastics reduce powdery mildew in strawberry tunnel production

This article summarises the findings of research published in The American Phytopathological Society Journal of Plant Disease in September 2022: Onofre, B., Gadoury, D., Stensvand, A., Bierman, A., Rea, M., and Peres, N. (2022), UV-Transmitting plastics reduce powdery mildew in strawberry tunnel production, Plant Disease 106:2455-2461, The American Phytopathological Society.

Autonomous pollination using miniature drones – alternatives to honey bee pollination

Singaporean company Polybee is investigating the use of miniature drones to pollinate crops grown in greenhouses and polytunnels as part of a Hort Innovation project looking at alternatives to honey bee pollination. The team from Polybee has been trialling their technology in collaboration with Perfection Fresh in South Australia and Western Sydney University, and were recently in Victoria to see how strawberries are grown in protected cropping systems.

A Game-Changer-Haygrove’s Total Vent shaping the future of growing

This article reports on the Open Day at Hillwood Berries Queensland on 20 September 2023 which showcased Haygrove’s cutting-edge protected cropping technology, with a focus on the patent-pending Total Vent design. Hillwood Berries are growing strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and raspberries on site, under a variety of different structures.