VIDEO: Webinar – Strawberry nursery tray plug plant quality Klaas Plas
This video is a recording of the Webinar held on Wednesday, 28 February 2024 by Fruit Growers Tasmania and Berries Australia. Klaas Plas from Berrykonsult provided an overview of: 1. Strawberry nursery tray/plug plant best practise in Europe. 2. How different the production techniques for nursery tray/plug plants are used to extend the season in Europe. Frozen (Large plugs) for high volume short production. Ambient (Medium plugs) for midterm season production and Tips (Smaller plugs) for longer production. 3. The benefits of the larger nursery plants with multiple crowns for early fruit production and larger yields. 4. Establishing tray/plug plants in the field (substrate and soil).
File Type:
Growing Systems, Strawberry, Video, Webinar