Berries Australia team visits the Apple Isle November 2023

In mid-November 2023, Rachel Mackenzie and the Industry Development team from Berries Australia travelled to Launceston in Tasmania to attend the Australasia-Pacific Extension Network (APEN) and enhance their extension skills. At the same time, the team took the opportunity to tour some local farms, meet with growers and learn more about what the key challenges are for the Tasmanian berry industries.

In mid-November 2023, Rachel Mackenzie and the Industry Development team from Berries Australia travelled to Launceston in Tasmania to attend the Australasia-Pacific Extension Network (APEN) and enhance their extension skills. At the same time, the team took the opportunity to tour some local farms, meet with growers and learn more about what the key challenges are for the Tasmanian berry industries.

File Type: pdf
Categories: Australian Berry Journal, Summer 23
Tags: Berries Australia Team, MT22010
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