The Australian Berry Journal
This journal is published once a quarter in March, June, September and December and provides R&D and industry information to all berry growers across Australia. You can view previous editions online below.
This publication has been funded by Hort Innovation using research and development levies from the Blueberry Fund, the Raspberry & Blackberry Fund, the Strawberry Fund and funds from the Australian Government.
If you are an Australian berry grower, you are entitled to receive a copy of the Australian Berry Journal each quarter.
If you are not yet receiving the journal it is only because the Berries Australia team is not aware of your farm operation or we do not have your correct contact information so please take the time to register with us.
Advertising pages can be purchased in the Australian Berry Journal subject to approval by Berries Australia.
You can view the options HERE.
There is also a range of cost-effective Partnership Packages that can be tailored to suit your needs.
For more information contact:
Jen Rowling
0448 322 389