Strawberry Industry Development Officers

There are 3 Industry Development Officer roles working across the major growing regions for Strawberries

Sandra Shaw is based in Victoria just outside of Melbourne and looks after South Australia and Victoria, Wendy Morris is near the Caboolture growing region in Queensland, and Helen Newman is based in Perth to service the needs of berry growers in Western Australia.

Although these IDO’s have a primary responsibility for Strawberries, they are also responsible for providing support to all berry growers in their regions and to Strawberry growers in other areas of the country.

Sandy Shaw
Victoria & SA

Sandy took over the role as IDO for Victoria & South Australia in September 2024 and is based in the Wandin area of Victoria. She has spent the last decade working in various roles in the strawberry industry in Australia, China, and the United States.

Most recently, she has been a plant technician for the Australian Strawberry Breeding Program at the Wandin Research Centre, where she worked with growers and researchers to develop temperate varieties for Australia. She’s also served at various points in her career as an office manager, a farm project coordinator, and a research technician.

Sandy loves working at the nexus between industry and research. She draws energy from the enthusiasm of growers and researchers collaborating to solve the problems facing the industry and is looking forward to the opportunity this role provides to promote solutions that work for growers.

She is looking forward to expanding her knowledge of the wider berry industry and hopes to work closely with all berry growers to provide them the support and information they need.

Wendy Morris

Wendy worked for Berries Australia as the Administration and Membership Officer until taking up the IDO position in July 2023. She had previously spent eighteen months as the Passionfruit Australia Inc ‘everything’ – including their Industry Development Officer.  Prior to this, Wendy worked as a greenkeeper, in insurance, and for not-for-profit associations.

With the current project allowing greater flexibility, it’s her aim to work with growers to reshape the role to suit the evolving needs of the industry.  If she hasn’t been in contact with you yet, and you’d like a visit – or just a chat over the phone – please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Helen Newman
Western Australia

Helen joined the Department of Agriculture and Food (now Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development) in 2001 after completing a degree in Environmental Science. Her roles included land-use planning officer, WaterWise on the farm irrigation management trainer, citrus industry development officer, vegetable industry research and development officer, and communications manager.

Her interesting and varied career with the Department ended in 2015 when she decided to spend more time with her son before he started full-time school. She also took this opportunity to pursue her interest in landscape design, and completed the Certificate IV and Diploma of Landscape Design, while working part-time with a landscape designer and at Dawson’s Garden World in Forrestfield.

She started part-time work at South Metropolitan TAFE (Murdoch Campus) in 2018, delivering Diploma units to landscape design, horticulture and conservation and land management students. In 2019, this role expanded, and she now also teaches Certificate IV students about soil and its importance to horticulture, landscape design and the environment.

Helen is also currently engaged as the WA Citrus Industry Biosecurity Representative, a role which she will maintain. The project team and the Australian Berry Industry will have the added advantage of another IDO with expertise in state and national biosecurity activity.

Get in touch with the Strawberry IDO team

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