About Strawberries Australia

Strawberries Australia Inc. (SAI) is the peak industry body that represents all strawberry growers within Australia. The purpose and aim of SAI is to develop a professional, innovative and world-leading industry for the benefit of Australian strawberry growers and the wider community.

To achieve this, Strawberries Australia works closely with Hort Innovation to manage the industries’ statutory levy. Proceeds derived from the levy are allocated to research and development in the following areas: pest and disease control, breeding and variety improvement, education and training, and extension of national and international R & D outcomes.

As an Association, our mission is:

“To lead and develop, co-operatively, a profitable and sustainable Australian strawberry industry”

The History of the Association

The strawberry industry first developed a national R&D plan in 1993, funded by the Australian Berryfruit Growers’ Federation and the former Horticultural Research & Development Corporation (HRDC). The industry was successful in raising a national R&D levy, which commenced in April 1997.

Strawberries Australia Incorporated was formed, as a confederation of regional strawberry associations, and is the peak industry body that works with Hort Innovation to advise on, and implement, R&D programs.

In 2019, Strawberries Australia joined forces with other berry industry associations to form Berries Australia Limited.

The Rules of the Association

Strawberries Australia Inc (SAI) is operated under the Associations Incorporation Act (1981).  All membership of the Association and the operation of the Association is governed by the rules of Incorporation. The Association adopted a new constitution at the AGM in 2021.

Association Financial Statements

Strawberries Australia Inc (SAI) is operated under the Associations Incorporation Act (1981).  The Association produces audited financial reports for each financial year.

Members can contact the Membership Officer to view the latest documents.


Strawberries Australia represents the state-based Strawberry Associations.

Those state-based Associations include, but are not limited to:

Fruit Growers Tasmania Inc is the peak body representing apple, pear, cherry, berry and stonefruit growers in Tasmania. It is a not-for-profit industry association run by Tasmania’s growers, for Tasmania’s fruit growers.

What Fruit Growers Tasmania do:

  • offer information and support services to make life easier for members as well as other Tasmanian fruit growers
  • organise industry information sharing activities, including orchard walks, field days, and the annual conference
  • representatives and other industry leaders serve on industry Strategic Industry Advisory Panels, representing the State and their colleagues on the boards of national industry peak bodies
  • assist growers with navigating government export registrations and audit processes. Members can use our website to keep up to date with industry and government export information including audit scopes, work-plans, and other relevant information
  • assist growers meet the growing national and international food safety quality assurance certification auditing requirements by coordinating microbiological and residue testing services


Peter Cornish – CEO  |  03 6169 2059  |  admin@fruitgrowerstas.org.au

The association of Queensland Strawberry Growers (QSGA) was formed to represent the commercial strawberry growers of Queensland. The QSGA is a “not for profit” membership based organisation that provides a range of services to members and the broader industry to encourage growth and development.

Members include commercial strawberries growers, associated businesses and individuals who are directly involved with our industry. As a grower-led organisation, they aim to work across all aspects of the supply chain, from production to the consumer. And by working together, they continually seek to improve the ability of growers to provide a healthy, profitable and safe product for consumers.


Adrian Schultz – Secretary  |  0407 600 051  |   office@qldstrawberries.com.au

Victorian Strawberry Growers Association
Western Australian strawberries are grown on about 170 hectares, mostly in the East Wanneroo, Carabooda and Bullsbrook areas north of Perth and provide most local needs as well as about 80% of total strawberry exports from Australia.  The APC Strawberry Producers Committee was established in 1995 after a successful poll of producers by the Agricultural Produce Commission. The Committee covers all Western Australian strawberry producers.

The Committee consists of five members, and represents all main strawberry growing areas in Western Australia.

Committee members are elected for a three year period with terms commencing in June and ending in May of the relevant year. Members may apply for re-election once their period of tenure has expired.


Our Associate Members

If you are looking for an industry spokesperson, please contact Rachel Mackenzie, Executive Director – Berries Australia.