Berries Australia supports EPA pesticide action in Woolgoolga

Date: 14th October 2021

Berries Australia supports the NSW EPA move to fine a blueberry grower found mishandling pesticides in the Woolgoolga region.

Authorities found pesticides being used close to a waterway and, due to poor storage, they had entered the water.

A clean-up notice has been issued to the grower requiring immediate clean-up and disposal of used pesticide containers on the property and the grower was fined $7500.

Berries Australia Executive Director Rachel Mackenzie said that the EPA response shows that the system is working and demonstrates that non-compliance will not be tolerated.

“Like all industries operating in the Coffs region the berry industry is subject to a range of regulations to keep the community and environment safe and like all sectors there will be those who do not do the right thing,” she said.

“The vast majority of berry growers in the Coffs region manage their crop-protection products very carefully.

The regulations around chemical use are very strict to ensure that all products are 100% safe for human consumption and there are multiple checks and balances in the system to protect consumers.

Under the water quality regulations, the thresholds are set very low so there is no danger to human health.”

Ms Mackenzie said that Berries Australia will continue to educate all berry growers about their chemical management obligations, and we encourage anyone with concerns to report them to the EPA.

For further comment please contact Rachel Mackenzie

Berries Australia is a joint venture between the Australian Blueberry Growers Association, the Raspberry & Blackberry Association and Strawberries Australia Inc.