Are you a horticultural producer in the greater Coffs Harbour region? Are you interested in protecting your investment in your farm and ensuring future sustainability?

This project is seeking interested horticultural landholders (existing, setting up or expanding enterprises)  to receive a farm drainage and erosion management plan.

Successful applicants will receive:

  • A tailored farm drainage and erosion management plan from specialist consultant, with slope specific management advice
  • Property map, drainage map, water flow map and LIDAR model map
  • Modelled soil loss on farm under different placement of diversion and contour drain using RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation)
  • On farm ground truthing on farm to ensure practical and feasible
  • Technical support on any resulting management of works.

Please note successful applicants will not receive funding for any on ground works.

What are the benefits of implementing a farm drainage and erosion management plan?

  • Improved operational efficiency
  • Improved soil fertility and water quality
  • Integration of erosion control in routine land management
  • Prioritisation of works to be completed to maximise impact on farm.


Establishing, expanding or transitioning your enterprise requires careful consideration of farm design and on ground works to reduce the risk of erosion and subsequent impact on operational efficiency, production and the environment.

This project aims to assist growers with successful design and management of drainage and erosion on intensive horticultural crops in the Coffs Harbour region by producing a series of industry case studies on grower practices. NSW DPI are seeking a minimum of 20 interested growers to receive a plan and be provided with technical support to undertake any resulting on ground works if required. These growers will be spread across the major horticultural industries of Banana, blueberry, rubus and protected cropping. The commonalities between design and/or management practices will then be captured and communicated to other growers.

Applications will be assessed and prioritised to achieve best overall regional outcomes.  Crop and growing arrangement, stage of business (expanding, establishing, transitioning, decommissioning etc), property size, proactive management and plans to undertake work will all be taken into consideration.


Applicants must meet the following key eligibility criteria which includes:

  • Located in the following LGA: Clarence, Coffs Harbour, Bellingen, Nambucca
  • Produce blueberries, bananas, Rubus, or grow another crop in a protected cropping situation
  • Are the registered landholder (or have permission from the landholder for property works) and can commit time and or resources to undertaking proposed works if required
  • Willingness to be a part of industry case studies on design and any post-work management.


The Expression of Interest form involves a series of simple questions about your enterprise and current and future plans. It should take no more than fifteen minutes to complete, however you can return to your saved answers by using the same browser to complete the EOI.

Please click HERE to complete the online form


If you require further information or support with completing an EOI please contact:

NSW DPI: Gaius Leong 0484 055 748, Steven Norman 0432 680 532

North Coast LLS:  Harriet Brickhill 0467 446 222

This project is funded through the Early Needs Recovery Program to support primary producers after the severe storms and flooding events experienced in 2022. The Early Needs Recovery Program is part of the $150 million Primary Industries Support Package co-funded by the Australian and NSW governments.