Be a Sector Leader in Protected Cropping



The Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate in Protected Cropping will educate future leaders for the Australian horticultural sector via an innovative and flexible industry-supported training model.

Be part of the fastest-growing food-producing sectors in Australia and join the only protected cropping course delivered at a postgraduate level in Australia. Western Sydney University offers a unique Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate course in Protected Cropping providing exciting learning opportunities. Extend your knowledge and further develop your expertise in the areas of science, technology and business with a strong focus on high-tech and intensive horticulture.

This course is designed to comprehensively cover both Australian and international challenges in sustainable greenhouse production in a changing global climate. Students will learn how protected cropping utilises cutting-edge technologies in the core areas of crop production, plant physiology, biotechnology, pest management, postharvest, climate control system, integrated data intelligence, and business management and logistics. Additionally, students will learn best-practices from the protected cropping industry experts to equip graduates for employability and mobility.

The Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate courses in Protected Cropping are funded by the Hort Frontiers Leadership Fund, part of the Hort Frontiers strategic partnership initiative developed by Hort Innovation, with co-investment from Western Sydney University, key industry partners (Flavorite, Costa Group, Perfection Fresh, Australian Fresh Leaf Herbs, and Greenworks) and contributions from the Australian government.
The industry partners will host students for their industry research projects. Therefore, engaged students will be job-ready to start in the protected cropping industry following completion of the course.

Both the Graduate Certificate and the Graduate Diploma in Protected Cropping are recognised by the two industry organisations – Protected
Cropping Australia and the Hydroponic Farmers Federation.

The course includes a combination of flexible online learning modules and practical on-site workshops to allow you the flexibility to work while studying.
The highlight for your learning journey is the Masterclass experience, where you will meet with industry experts and work on real life industry challenges  in a world-class, hightech greenhouse facility. Themes within the workshops for the Masterclass include software and hardware systems, crop and  produce management, integrated pest management and fertigation systems.

The Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate in Protected Cropping courses are a key education and training component of National Vegetable Protected Cropping Centre, jointly funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia and Western Sydney University. The Centre encompasses 1800sq. m. over 9 independently controlled growing spaces designed with the world’s very best glasshouse infrastructure and sensor controlled systems, to offer research,
education and training opportunities in modern protected cropping horticulture.

The practical experience gained during this course will allow you to be part of the sustainable solution that focuses on resource management, reducing agricultural pollutants and environmental footprint, and using technology to advance production.

Graduates of this degree can look forward to career opportunities, such as; Horticultural Business Managers, Crop and Nursery Managers, Business Consultants or High-tech Growers.

Postgraduate course applications are processed online and can be made directly to Western Sydney University at or alternatively through the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) at

Students are eligible to apply for one of the 65 scholarships (up to $5,000 each) and internships (up to $17,500 each) generously provided by the five industry partners. The applicants need to submit an Expression of Interest form and the Project Reference Group will make the selection.

For more information about studying this course, please contact

Professor Zhonghua Chen
0466 544 696

Visit the Protected Cropping course pages for more information.