This resource page is designed to provide a set of links to useful pages that provide information to help you manage people within your business.


Australian Capital Territory: WorkSafe ACT external-icon.png

New South Wales: State Insurance Regulatory Authority (NSW) external-icon.png

Northern Territory: NT WorkSafe external-icon.png

Queensland: WorkCover Queensland external-icon.png

South Australia: ReturnToWork SA external-icon.png

Tasmania: WorkCover Tasmania external-icon.png

Victoria: WorkSafe Victoria external-icon.png

Western Australia: WorkCover WA external-icon.png

For general information about workers compensation arrangements across Australia, visit the Safe Work Australia website external-icon.png.



  • Please ensure you only use licensed labour-hire providers in the current growing season in Queensland – you can find them here
  • Don’t use labour-hire providers who have only completed an application for a licence unless they appear in green on the register  here
  • Don’t rely on verbal advice or paper evidence that the provider has a licence – unfortunately some providers are willing to provide false or misleading information to you in order to secure a contract.  You should always rely on the information that is on the live labour-hire licensing register.
  • We also recommend that you check the identity and bona fides of the person approaching you to provide labour – in particular, that they are authorised to bind that labour-hire provider in a contract.  By clicking on the licence number in the register, you can see the names of the persons who have been put forward as nominated and executive officers of that provider.
  • If you have any concerns at all, you are always most welcome to call Labour Hire Licensing Compliance Unit on 1300 576 088, or email them through their website

Each state and territory has a local workplace health and safety body, which regulates and investigates breaches of laws about workplace health and safety, including bullying and harassment.

Australian Capital Territory: Work Safe ACT external-icon.png

New South Wales: SafeWork NSW external-icon.png

Northern Territory: NT WorkSafe external-icon.png

Queensland: Workplace Health and Safety Queensland external-icon.png

South Australia: SafeWork SA external-icon.png

Tasmania: WorkSafe Tasmania external-icon.png

Victoria: WorkSafe Victoria external-icon.png

Western Australia: WorkSafe WA external-icon.png

Safe Work Australia external-icon.png is the statutory agency leading the development of national policy to improve work health and safety and workers’ compensation arrangements across Australia.