Managing psychosocial hazards in the workplace-spotlight on harassment

Work-related stress often caused by psychosocial risks is estimated to affect around one third of all Australians. As an employer, people manager or leader you do need to manage psychosocial risks in the same way you manage workplace health and safety (WHS) risks, in a reasonably practicable manner.

A home for every piece of fruit

All too often, fruit that doesn’t meet retail specifications ends up rotting in the field or being dumped before ever leaving the farm. This article covers the business operations undertaken by Queensland-based business My Berries which collects surplus strawberries, raspberries and blackberries direct from local farms and processes them into frozen and freeze-dried products ready for both retail and wholesale sales channels.

National Agricultural Plastics Stewardship Scheme – What’s next?

This article outlines progress for a proposed National Non-Packaging Agricultural Plastics Stewardship Scheme. The scheme is aiming to commence nationally from the 2024/25 financial year onward, pending progress of the Industry Working Group and outcomes from further consultation with key stakeholders.

Optimising chemical efficacy for spray application in berries

The application of agrichemicals to control pest and disease incursion is used as part of an integrated management approach which also includes cultural and biological control. This article discusses water quality, turbidity, hardness, pH, the types of chemical formulations, and tank mixing procedures.

Plant Biosecurity in Australia – An introduction for growers

This article outlines what is biosecurity, Australia’s Biosecurity System, and who are the participants in managing Biosecurity in Australia.

Switching from eradication to management of Varroa destructor

Since Varroa destructor was detected in NSW in June 2022, 15 pollination dependent industries, the honey bee industry and the Commonwealth and state and territory governments have worked together to attempt to eradicate this pest from Australia. This article outlines the move to a ‘management’ strategy.

The Road to Business Diversification

For some growers, a single variety of a single crop is enough – enough income, enough effort, enough risk! Some others, like SSS Strawberries and Tinaberries, have taken the road less travelled and diversified their operations significantly. While both operations are quite different in scale and approach, what they share is an ongoing commitment to reducing waste, and building resilience in the face of adversity.

Understanding viral disinformation in food and agriculture

AgriFutures Australia hosted a webinar on 3 July 2023 led by Sarah Nolet from consultancy firm Tenacious Ventures, to provide a better understanding of a new challenge facing food and agriculture industries, viral disinformation, and to share recommendations on how industry can respond to this emerging threat.

RUB-Australian Horticulture’s latest Nuffield Scholar is destined for great things

An interview with the latest Australia Nuffield Scholar – Kirsty Dickenson from Costa Berries based in Northdown on the central northern coast of Tasmania.

RUB-Berry Growers Field Day