Opportunity to attend Berries Australia in-market program for Asia Fruit Logistica from 1–4 Nov 2022

Date: 5th September 2022

The Berries Australia levy-funded project MT20004 is designed to expose Australian berry growers to international trade activities and increase general trade literacy across the industry. We believe the best way to learn about international trade is to live and breathe it for yourself.

To deliver on this objective, Berries Australia would like to offer 6 x partially funded positions to attend Asia Fruit Logistica in Bangkok. Positions will be awarded through EOI and each recipient will receive $2000 towards attendance and participation in the event. Applicants will be required to co-fund their visit by covering their additional costs. A reasonable estimate for total costs for four days in market would be approximately $4000.

Berries Australia has built a program for participants that includes:

  • Market Tour to visit key retail, wholesale and food service sites.
  • Admission to the Asia Fruit Logistica Trade Show
  • Access to the Asia Fruit Congress presentations/workshops
  • Participation in Austrade’s ‘Australia Pavilion’
  • Participation in Austrade’s networking events and buyer introductions
  • Assistance from Berries Australia at the event

Participants will be asked to write a short report after their visit (a Q&A style document) to elicit key learnings that could be shared more broadly with the industry. 

Participants will need to arrive in Bangkok by the evening of Tuesday 1st November and can depart Bangkok after 2pm Friday 4th November. It is expected that participants will join all scheduled activities throughout their visit.

The objective of the visit is to provide an opportunity for growers/exporters to immerse themselves in the marketplace and improve their understanding of international trade.

The activities are designed to increase knowledge of international markets (including but not limited to Thailand) and foster the skills required to develop export relationships. 

Ideal candidates would be growers considering expansion into export supply (either directly or through existing export supply chains) or young industry leaders who will benefit from understanding the importance of trade even if they are not participants themselves.

Useful links:



For further assistance please contact Jenny Van de Meeberg


0410 536 269

Berries Australia is a joint venture between the Australian Blueberry Growers Association, the Raspberry & Blackberry Association and Strawberries Australia Inc.