IAN PORTER: Professor, La Trobe University

Ian is a Professor with La Trobe University and former Director of the Centre of Excellence in Smoke Taint Research (CESTR) for Agriculture Victoria.

He is also Co-Chair of the United Nations Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee and a member of the top technical committee (TEAP) of the Montreal Protocol which assists all countries in the world find sustainable alternatives to the ozone-depleting substances, mainly halon gasses but particularly methyl bromide.

Ian is currently leading national research programs on the mitigation of climate gasses (i.e. N2O) and reducing the impact of smoke taint from controlled burning and bushfires on the viticultural industry.

In the past, key programs included finding solutions for methyl bromide, a major ozone layer depleting pesticide and developing sustainable solutions to control soilborne diseases in a range of horticultural crops.